Yee-Haw! Tita Molly's 60th Beeday, Part 1

Howdy pardners! Welcome to the sprawling Esguerra Ranch in Cabuyao Laguna, where we all had a rockin’ good time! We all saddled up here because of a very special cowgirl. A cowgirl, who sixty years ago graced the earth with her most loving presence. Today is truly a milestone for her and her family.

But before the fun and tributes began (well, exactly 6 hours before the guests started to arrive), the Esguerras and a Tanquiluts participated in the house blessing. As seen here, the fruits of the family's labor speak through the walls of this cozy yellow house.

Flowers everywhere! Arranged and designed by the floral team, Tita Marison, Ate My, and Tenten. To add a touch of humor in the decor, WANTED posters can be found all over the place.
Of course, it wasn't long after every table was decorated, every monobloc chair in place, that the guests started to arrive. Everyone was in the Western mood, wearing their cowboy hats, checkered shirts, chaleko's, and bandanas.

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