Let's a take a peak at what's in our featured Tanquilut peeps' Friendster photo gallery.
Gelo Torres, the first Torres apo on our side of the family, keeps this photo in his Friendster Photo Gallery. This was taken November last year when he, Kuya Jun, Ate Cynthia, and Gengen went to Hong Kong for their family's international escapade. Gelo is in his last year at De La Salle University. He is expected to graduate this December. Oh how time flies... His Friendster status : Single. So chubby girls with rosy cheeks beware!
Blas Gil Tanquilut, or BG Boy as we fondly call him, is the youngest father among cousins (as of now! Haha!). This was taken last year in their company's Retro Christmas party. Very Jericho Rosales, I must say. BG is the hardworking dad of Nickher and loving teambuiling husband of Lencx. His Friendster status : Married. So girls... hands off!
Marlon Esguerra, unico hijo of Tito Carlito and Tita Molly Esguerra, has always delighted and entertained us with his very interesting pictures! He's the sole model of the family, and his six-pack abs puts all our abs to shame. In this picture, whose caption reads "Gorgeous", Kuya Marlon shows just what it take to make it in the modelling business. He is currently workng in the PCGG and enjoys going to the gym and taking his protein shakes. His Friendster status : Single. So much of Kuya Marlon up for grabs!
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