Chika Express...
Here's some chikka express for you all!

Sheryl Santiago is five months pregnant! And the family knows the gender of the baby coming. It's girl! Pero wait... I'm not sure if this has been confirmed by Ultra Sound, or if I just distinctly recall Tita Myr commenting that Sheryl is the blooming preggy lady that it seems she is carrying a girl... Hmm...

Tito Boy and Tita Edith are going on a US/Canada vacation this coming July. They leave on July 12. On their itinerary... Los Angeles, Tennessee, Toronto/Vancouver, then New York. Have a good trip!

It's offficial! Yssa passed the St. Scho Pep Squad! She is now a regular member of the team! About 42 girls tried out and only 8 became regulars! We will be cheering Yssa on when she cheers for SSC's athletic teams.

Sheryl Santiago is five months pregnant! And the family knows the gender of the baby coming. It's girl! Pero wait... I'm not sure if this has been confirmed by Ultra Sound, or if I just distinctly recall Tita Myr commenting that Sheryl is the blooming preggy lady that it seems she is carrying a girl... Hmm...

Tito Boy and Tita Edith are going on a US/Canada vacation this coming July. They leave on July 12. On their itinerary... Los Angeles, Tennessee, Toronto/Vancouver, then New York. Have a good trip!

It's offficial! Yssa passed the St. Scho Pep Squad! She is now a regular member of the team! About 42 girls tried out and only 8 became regulars! We will be cheering Yssa on when she cheers for SSC's athletic teams.
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