God did not make death nor does He rejoice in the destruction of the living for He fashioned all things that they might have being. There is no remedy for man's dying for our mortal body is a spark that can only last with the healing of our heart and when our thirst for life is quenced, our body will be ashes and our spririt will rise like unresisting air. Our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud, despirsed like a mist pursued by the sun's rays getting burned along the way. For our lifetime is the passing of a shadow and our dying cannot be deferred because it is fixed with a seal and no one can ever escape. But though this is so... we can always remembe what somebody has been to us.
Our sister Pacing, though now dead, will always be alive in our hearts, in our memories, in our lives.
For as God is love, my sister Pacing is love personified for:
My sister Pacing did more than care, she always helped
My sister Pacing had been more than fair, she was most kind and just.
My sister Pacing would do more than forgive, she would forget.
My sister Pacing had done more than just dream of a good life for her chldren and loved ones, she worked hard to make her dreams come true.
My sister Pacing had done more than give material things, she served and fave so much of herself.
Just like a candle which burns itself to give light to others.
My sister Pacing had done more than just lived, she saw to it that people she loved, especially her children and their families will grow with patience, humility, sincerity, with kindness, and with genuine love for others embedded in their hearts.
My sister Pacing had always wanted to be called Lola Ganda, Tita Ganda, Sister ganda. She need not ask for this title for in the hearts and minds of all whose lives she had touched, she is most beautiful, blessed by our Lord with both beauty of heart, mind, and soul.
Dear Lord, lay down my sister Paz in peace and sleep.
Make her dwell in Your bosom, keep her lamp burning with Your love, turn whatever darkness, she had in her life into Your Divine light.
Unto thee we lift up her soul to Your embrace and loving heart.
And from Psalm 23, I say to you our dearest sister... Rest in peace beacuse the Lord had been your shepherd, you shall not want. In Verdant pastures, He will give you repose. Beside restful waters, He will lead you. He will refresh your soul. And you will dwell in the house of the Lord for all eternity.